2019 The Martin Motes Orchid Breeder’s Award

The Martin Motes Orchid Breeder's Award is given to the breeder and exhibitor of the best Award of Quality or Award of Distinction awarded during the previous calendar year. The goal is to encourage hybridizers and growers to exhibit their work and to make more hybrids. This award for a single AD or AQ differs from the AOS Hybridizer's Award which recognizes a lifetime of hybridizing efforts. As with ADs AQs, if the hybridizer and exhibitor are different, the prize will be divided equally between them.

Phalaenopsis Susan Philips ‘Logan’ AQ/AOS 0 pts.
© Eric Goo 2019
Plant Name: Phalaenopsis Susan Philips ‘’ AQ/AOS 0 pts.
Parentage: (Phal. Emeraude ‘Champion #6' x Phal. Tsay's Evergreen ‘Fangtastic’)